Latest and Upcoming SEO Trends in 2022

Chirag Shah
February 14, 2022
Latest and Upcoming SEO Trends in 2022

As you all know that SEO plays an extremely important role in attracting customers to various online businesses which is why it has the highest priority in digital marketing and amongst anybody who wants his business to see new highs. SEO is constantly changing and is not something that it was 5 years ago and if you are still using the same old and traditional SEO tactics, it’s high time that you upgrade your strategies and go with the flow. Top SEO services in Ahmedabad have already eliminated ineffective SEO strategies from their packages long back and upgraded to the latest trends. In this article, we will be discussing some of the top latest SEO trends of 2022 in detail.

Want to get top ranking?

1. Artificial Intelligence will be the next big thing in SEO

Artificial Intelligence is changing the whole world and its impact on SEO in 2022 is going to be huge as well. In the months and years to come, Google’s AI algorithm called RankBrain will be one of the most important ranking factors for Google’s search engine results as the experts believe that the click-through rate and the time users spend on a particular website will be a decisive factor in evaluating the search engine results by RankBrain and also in prioritizing content.

2. Shifting to long form content would be beneficial

Gone are the days when writing short contents of around 700-800 words used to get traffic as now, if you want engaging and interactive users, you must shift to long form content. It has been seen that long content of around 3000 words or more attracts more traffic as compared to short ones. So, shifting from short form contents to long forms can definitely improve your rankings as long form contents keep the readers engaged and they interact in the same way. While keeping the content long, it is advisable to keep the whole content segregated well into different sections so that it become readable.

3. Mobile-friendliness plays an important role in rankings

Mobile-friendliness is considered to be one of the most important aspects of SEO since Google made it a ranking factor officially in 2015. Whenever you write a content for your website, it becomes extremely important that you optimize the contents for mobile devices as well because Google search engine gives priority to mobile optimized websites rather than the desktop-only websites. With various tools available with Google, you can easily check how well your website is performing on mobile devices.

4. Content should fit Google’s EAT principle

Everybody who owns a website knows that Google has always given excessive weightage on the quality content but still many people wonder what defines a quality content or what parameters must a content satisfy to be on the list of quality contents. Well, a quality content according to Google must meet the EAT principle where EAT means Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness. Google wants all the contents to fulfill these three principles to be ranked as a quality content as it uses these three factors to analyze the quality of contents.

5. All SEO strategies must include a video


Creating good quality, engaging and relevant video for your content has now become vital to gain traffic hence each and every SEO company in Ahmedabad is doing that and have been successful in gaining traffic to websites. In today’s world, videos are of great importance including relevant videos in your website along with the engaging contents can do wonders for your website’s health attracting huge traffic. Using right and relevant keywords in the video description will boost SEO strategies as well.

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Chirag Shah CEO and Founder at I help client to grow business online with measurable result and swift ROI. I have 15+ years of Digital Marketing Industry experience and I have helped 2000+ business to grow online. I am Google Adwords and Analytics certified professional with practical expertise.

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