Is Your Digital Marketing Agency Bang For The Buck? 5 Signs Will Help You Evaluate

Chirag Shah
December 9, 2020
Is Your Digital Marketing Agency Bang For The Buck 5 Signs Will Help You Evaluate

We are living in a world that is deeply penetrated by the internet. From giant business houses to spiritual gurus and small artisans, everyone is using the medium of the internet to reach a larger audience. The bright side is, the internet has erased boundaries across the globe. So, sitting at your home in a small town in India, it is possible for you to interact and do business with the companies running in the US, Australia or Singapore. You make a YouTube video about a delicious cake recipe and people in Africa or Indonesia too can watch it just with a click. The potential of online business is huge, so is the competition. With every person, every industry, every company using the internet as a medium to create a brand for themselves or promote their product, it is difficult to stand out from the crowd.

Just imagine, the use of the internet has increased to an extent that we are literally living in a state of content chock. A huge amount of content is distributed via social media and messaging apps. Take, for example, every 60 seconds, almost 3.3 million Facebook posts are created. Within a short span of 1 minute, 39 million messages are distributed via WhatsApp. How can you expect people to read and remember everything that they get exposure to? It is nearly impossible. In such a situation, if you want to grab people’s attention, you must do something that is out of the box. Here digital marketing company in Ahmedabad comes into the picture.

Efficient digital marketing companies have deep knowledge of the digital marketing universe. They are pro at utilizing digital marketing tools for the client’s benefit. Having understood the nitty-gritty of this competitive field, digital marketing agencies can suggest the right strategy to their customers that can deliver instant results. Digital marketing has an immense potential to influence people’s interaction, work and spending habits. All you have to do is to touch the right nerve and a good digital marketing agency can do that for you.

ROI and Data Driven Digital Marketing Service.

With the field of digital marketing growing by leaps and bounds, thousands of digital marketing agencies have sprouted up like mushrooms in the market. It is essential to know whether you are spending money on the right agency or not. If the digital marketing agency that you have hired is not capable of delivering good results or ROI, it is time you start looking for a new one. As per research, 61% of companies are not satisfied with the digital marketing agencies they are working with. Here are five signs that suggest that it is time you should consider changing your digital marketing agency.

Lack of Transparency


This is the first sign that suggests that the customer is losing trust in the agency. Ideally, your agency should provide regular updates about the performance of the campaign, current trends, how the budget is utilized, additional costs, etc. As per a survey, 48% of the advertisers are unsatisfied about the way their agency works, seeking more clarity about costs. Many of them (almost 48%) advertisers said that they are hesitant to share meaningful KPIs or sales data with their agencies. If you are not comfortable sharing the right information with your agency, it’s time you should consider changing it.

The Agency Fails to Meet Goals


This is the most important aspect you should take into consideration. An efficient digital marketing agency will always be able to meet the goals given by the client. Agency should be able to establish realistic performance metrics and deadlines. If the agency fails to meet the goals consistently, you should know that it is not competent enough to become your company’s digital face. Even if a campaign fails, as it may, the agency should be able to pick up the right learnings from it and rework it with a fresh approach. If this is lacking in your agency, it is time you start searching for a new one.

The Agency Keeps You in Dark


Fortunately, in the field of digital marketing, everything is measurable from likes, shares to traffic generated on the website, and ROI. The agency should submit regular reports to the clients about whether they are moving in the right direction or not. Agencies should be able to identify success, benchmark performance, and campaign performance. On the basis of that, they should come up with new strategies and tactics to demonstrate their dedication towards the client’s success and contractual responsibilities. Does your agency share ROI details with you? Is it possible for you to justify agency expenses? If the answer is no, it is an indicator that you have hired the wrong digital marketing agency.

Can Your Agency Think Strategically?

Think Strategicaly

Forming and executing the right digital marketing strategy is important for success. Does your agency initiate setting up a meeting with you to discuss monthly or quarterly strategy? Does the agency keep itself up-to-date about current trends of digital marketing? You should be able to judge by communication with the agency. If you doubt their skills to think strategically or execute the strategy effectively, there is no reason why you should continue to work with them.

Does Your Agency Ask For Feedback?

Think Strategicaly

If you want to grow, you have to learn to welcome constructive criticism. The same applies to digital marketing agencies’ performance. Observe if they ask for performance feedback on a monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis. Does it consider your expectations and interpretation of their performance? The answers to these questions will help you evaluate the performance of your digital marketing agency.

There are many factors behind why a digital marketing agency is unable to perform as per the client’s expectations. There can be a problem from the clients’ side as well. Sometimes clients do not share enough information or proper expectations from the agency. If you are not satisfied with your agency’s performance, you should call a spade a spade and convey it to your agency. Also, ask them what plan they have to improve their strategy and performance. If repeatedly you do not get satisfactory answers, you should change your digital marketing agency.

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Chirag Shah CEO and Founder at I help client to grow business online with measurable result and swift ROI. I have 15+ years of Digital Marketing Industry experience and I have helped 2000+ business to grow online. I am Google Adwords and Analytics certified professional with practical expertise.

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