Benefits of Digital Marketing over Traditional Marketing

Chirag Shah
December 28, 2018
Digital Marketing over Traditional Marketing

Do you know what is the right way to promote your business? It is through effective means of marketing. Every business for that matter involves itself in several kinds of marketing techniques with the sole aim to climb the ladders of success.

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The marketing techniques can be traditional as well as digital. Both forms of marketing have their own pros and cons. A business person needs to know both these techniques in detail so that he can take a fruitful decision for the company.

What is Traditional Marketing?

Traditional Marketing

All those conventional methods of marketing come under the gamut of traditional marketing. The following will be counted as the methods of traditional marketing:

  • • Newspaper Ads
  • • Magazines
  • • Television and radio promotions
  • • The billboards along the roads

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing

Digital marketing is not a new concept and almost all businesspersons today know at least a little about it. The growing technologies have made it possible for the customers to get closer to their favourite brands at the comfort of their home. Digital marketing, as a matter of fact, is the fastest going marketing method. The following will come under the gamut of digital marketing:

  • • Email marketing
  • • Social Media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and so on.
  • • Blogs and article writing
  • • Business networking sites such as LinkedIn.


Nowadays, digital marketing is considered better than traditional marketing. Read further and look at some of the notable advantages of digital marketing:

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1. Brand Development

 Brand Development

For the brand image in the market, it is always said that “Out of sight is out of mind”. If the advertisements are arriving after a long gap, people do not tend to remember it. On the contrary, digital marketing helps you to advertise frequently as it is low in cost as compared to traditional marketing.

2. Low Cost

Low Cost

You can compare the cost of an advertisement in a newspaper, television and on a website, the price of the former will be higher. Digital marketing is low in cost and this saves a lot of money for further business research and development.

3. Higher Engagement

Higher Engagement

Traditional marketing does not provide you with any chance to interact with your customers. On the other hand, in digital marketing, you are quite close to your customers. You can get their feedback with the help of reviews and revert them as soon as possible.

4. Measurable Results

Measurable Results

Unlike traditional marketing, digital marketing enables businesspersons to measure the results of the marketing campaign. With the help of various digital marketing tools, you can find out how many viewers were converted into customers after a specific marketing campaign.

5. Works for all businesses

Works for all businesses

Digital marketing is not specific and it will largely work on all kinds of businesses. Whether it is a popular food chain or a hospital, digital marketing can help both of them to create brand awareness. A small, as well as big businesses, can utilise digital marketing techniques to promote their business.

6. Quicker publicity

Quicker publicity

Digital marketing provides you with a great opportunity for faster publicity and real-time results. On the other hand, with digital marketing, the advertisements take time to reach the customers and the results come quite late.

7. Eased out strategic decision

Eased out strategic decision

In digital marketing, the results come faster and hence, strategic decisions are easy. When you know that your ad is not doing good, you change it immediately. Moreover, if you see a negative comment on your social media profile, you can handle the grievance easily.

In the end, we would like to tell you that digital marketing has a clear edge over traditional marketing. A digital marketing company in India is better in terms of cost, speed, laser targeting, and strategic decision making.


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Chirag Shah CEO and Founder at I help client to grow business online with measurable result and swift ROI. I have 15+ years of Digital Marketing Industry experience and I have helped 2000+ business to grow online. I am Google Adwords and Analytics certified professional with practical expertise.

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